Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Annuities - Who Cares?

Expert Author Dean Lovett
Friends, family and acquaintances often ask me, "What are annuities?", "Why did I enter the annuity business?" and, basically, "Who cares?"
Though annuities have been around for some years, I believe that the current economic crisis, though ostensibly mitigated by today's "jobless recovery," has brought increased attention to annuities. While terrified of market risk only a few short months ago, most investors are still, with good reason, extremely cautious of risks inherent in today's financial markets. So, to answer the question, "Who cares about annuities?" - Anyone who cares about avoiding significant losses of principal via market volatility should care about annuities. That's why I am passionate about clearly communicating what annuities can do, especially to those over fifty (50).
To put it in its simplest form - annuities eliminate market risk while still offering the potential for healthy returns.
I know doctors, lawyers, dentists, bankers (you name it) who own investment portfolios with, perhaps, seventy percent (70%) of their money in equities. Much of these investments may be under the umbrella of 401ks or IRAs. (When savings are held in 401ks and IRAs, many people don't know where the money is invested, but assume it must be safe. In contrast, such funds are often invested in stocks, mutual funds and bonds - all of which can be significantly impacted by market movements.) While these folks are delighted at the startling market recovery these past months, they don't have the time or energy to consider the likelihood of another sharp "pull-back" in the market, what it may do to their investment portfolio and/or retirement savings, much less whether there is a wiser place to stash their lifetime savings.
The troubling aspect of all this is that, should we see a significant pull-back in the markets, many baby boomers would lose huge amounts of their savings and be forced to work many more years than they anticipate and/or retire on a modest or meager income, while foregoing their retirement dreams of travel, fun and worry-free relaxation.
As an illustration, suppose John and his wife, Pat, own an a $1,000,000 401k which has allocated 70% of their money to stock mutual funds (which they consider conservative) and 30% to high grade bonds. A 40% market contraction in the stock markets might reduce their 401K value from $1,000,000 to $720,000. The $280,000 loss may postpone retirement plans for many years, or simply require John and Pat to reduce their annual retirement budget and lifestyle significantly.
Hypothetically, had John and Pat moved $400,000 from the stock mutual fund into a fixed indexed annuity ("FIA"), they could have reduced their portfolio loss (or contrarily, increased their portfolio value) by $160,000. At the same time, the FIA has the potential to participate in market growth (via links to the S&P 500 index or and other indices) up to a certain cap - typically in the 6 to 8% range, depending upon the carrier and the annuity product. So, when the market bounces back up, the FIA, having lost ZERO value in the downturn, can pick up a good portion of the next upward bounce. By the way, with the 40% market drop, John and Pat need a 67% market gain to get back to square one regarding their stocks. I didn't understand the mathematically devastating impact of principal losses until I was fifty, and I have a CPA and MBA. I know - shame on me.
The basic math fact which kills investors regarding principal losses is that any percentage loss requires a greater percentage gain to breakeven. Thus, a 50% principal loss requires a 100% principal gain to return to square one. For example, a stock at $10/share drops to $5/share (a 50% loss). That $5/share must increase by $5 (a 100% gain) to get back to $10/share or break-even. Principal losses destroy our financial future!
So, who cares about annuities? Well, I suppose I can't really answer who cares, but I can answer who should care about annuities.
Who Should Care About Annuities?
1. Those who have significant assets in the financial markets which they cannot afford to lose (especially if they are nearing or at the end of their earnings years).
2. Those who own an IRA or 401k which holds significant investments in the markets.
3. Those who do not want to be forced to work an additional five or ten years, should the markets freefall again.
4. Those still working who are relying on welfare for retirement (it's $7 Trillion in the hole!). Instead, they might be placing savings in deferred annuities.
6. Those who dislike the stress of market spikes and dips and would sleep better if they could ignore them.
7. Anyone with substantial savings in the financial markets who cannot afford to lose those savings.
So, ask yourself, "Do you fall in any of the above categories. Should you care about annuities?
I have found two categories of people who, legitimately, don't need to concern themselves with annuities: (1) those who are so wealthy that, should the stock market turn deeply south, they would be alright. They have such deep and diversified financial pockets that a big market loss wouldn't change their lifestyle much, or at all; and, (2) those who have so little in the way of liquid assets (e.g. under $20,000), and are no longer working, such that they can't take advantage of the risk-mitigating (and/or guaranteed lifetime income) features of annuities.
There is nothing in this life without risk. While annuities take market risk out of your savings, you still carry the risk of the financial strength and longevity of the insurance carrier from whom you buy your annuity. That is why I only recommend dealing with the financially strongest annuity carriers (e.g.. those rated A, A+ or A++ by A.M. Best Rating Services for financial strength.) But remember, financially strong insurance carriers are much safer than the markets. Historically, insurance carriers are much safer than banks. The question is not "What is a risk free place to protect and grow retirement savings?" The question is, "What carries the least risk in protecting and growing my retirement savings?"
As a final note, there are many who are becoming comfortable again with the financial markets and have returned to "business as usual." I don't have a crystal ball, but the unprecedented national debt (approximately $53 trillion), annual deficits (currently about $2 trillion), and continued rising unemployment rates should give us all reason for extreme caution.
Dean C. Lovett is a CPA and obtained his MBA from the Wharton School. As an entrepreneur of twenty years, he has created and operated approximately ten businesses. He launched AnnuitySpeak ([http://www.annuityspeak.com]) and Annuity Speak TV to provide video analysis of fixed annuities and reviews of fixed annuity products in laymen's terms to enable baby boomers to better plan retirement in today's unstable markets.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Information About American Equity Annuities

Expert Author Robert C Eldridge Jr
American Equity Annuities provide different options for investors. One of them that features so prominently is the traditional fixed annuity. This is usually a contract between the investor and the company, whereby the annuity earns a competitive interest rate, which is declared by the board of directors.
The interest is guaranteed and is given over a specific period of time. The annuity also comes with a guaranteed minimum interest during the period in which the contract lasts. There are usually no tax deductions with this option until the investor withdraws the earnings.
Some of the benefits that come with the annuity include a tax deferred growth as well as a competitive renewal and current interest rates. There are other options to choose from. These include immediate and deferred investments, although the choice depends on the individual needs of the investor.
Another advantage of the fixed annuity is that there is a guaranteed return on principal. This means that the principal value of the interest does not fluctuate. One will find that most of the fixed investments have guarantee on the return of principal payments. This is inclusive of surrender charges and net of withdrawals. There are also guaranteed interested rates whereby, they can fluctuate depending on the financial conditions but they do not go below the minimum rates stipulated in the initial agreement.
Taxes on interest in the investments are deferred until such a time when the investor will be willing to withdraw funds. There can also be other advantages on tax depending on the method of withdrawal that one settles for. The investments come with flexible income options since there are various ways in which the investor can withdraw money from the account.
One fact concerning the fixed investments is that assets in this annuity are transferred to the named beneficiary and they can also be passed outside the probate process. It is also important to note that there are no upfront charges on the sales or withdrawals and that one can either choose a single or flexible premium.
The annuity offers a great opportunity for systematic withdrawal of interests in a bid to comply with IRS minimum distributions. One can have additional liquidity in the event that the investor is confined into a nursing home or is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Early withdrawals might incur surrender charges but these can be waived in case of death.
American Equity Annuities also come in form of indexed annuities whose interests are linked to an external bond or equity index. The values of the indices can vary on a daily basis and they are hardly predictable. Purchasing them requires the investor to have an annuity contract that is backed by America Equity. The benefits include lifetime income benefit, flexible or single premiums, the choice of the index to be used for the calculation of interest and also the lack of upfront charges. Some of these are subject to change and therefore it important for an investor to keep checking so as to avoid inconveniences in future.
Visit http://www.annuitycampus.com for more Annuity and Life Insurance Tips and Tricks.
Call Robert Eldridge directly at 800-643-7544.
Robert Eldridge holds over a decade of experience as a multiline agent in multiple states and currently serves on the membership council of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors

Benefits of Fixed Indexed Annuities

Expert Author Jason Pollington
What are some of the benefits you can get by investing in fixed indexed annuities? Well one thing is you may be able to help save up for your retirement with triple compounding interest, and have it grow about 2-3 times greater than a bank CD. They can also provide a guaranteed income for life, and with so many things happening in the world, it's hard to imagine that social security will be around for much longer. So wouldn't it be smart to have a back up plan to replace a potential social security income? They can also be a good option if you are in the middle of a 401k rollover.
In the past many people had a choice of getting a safe way of making money, but not the chance of higher returns. Or they could try for those higher returns, but would also run a risk of losing a lot of their principal investment. However, with fixed indexed annuities you have a shot at both without putting your principal at any risk! Offering you a guarantee for the principal, but also a link to the market, however, even with those downturns in the market, you wouldn't lose principal.
Fixed indexed annuities may also be termed equity indexed annuities. They will provide you both features in one, a guarantee for that principal. But you can also see a fluctuation due to the market performance, but you will never lose any of your principal. You also lock in any gains that you earned in a certain period. It's definitely a solid option when you are doing a 401k rollover.
The great thing also about a fixed indexed annuity is that you can defer taxes until you've taken the money out. That means you will be able to build up more money because you can earn more on the interest. But they also can offer you at times where you can take out a certain percentage of money without a penalty being paid, usually up to 10% per year. Most other IRA's don't allow that.
With the purchase of fixed indexed annuities you will be able to have a guaranteed income that will come in for the rest of your life. There are many different annuity payments that you can choose also. It gives you plenty flexibility and is a great option during an IRA rollover or 401k rollover.
Fixed indexed annuities are possibly one of the best options when it comes to saving for retirements. It is definitely something that is well worth your time of looking into. The fixed indexed annuities definitely have a place in today's volatile market, especially during a 401k rollover.
To find out more about Fixed indexed Annuities call P&G Financial Group, Inc. at: 1-888-701-3222 or visit: [http://www.pngfinancialgroup.com].

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Using Life Insurance to Pay Estate Tax - Without Tying Up Cash in Premiums

Expert Author Scott F Barnett J.D., LL.M.
While the first $10,000,000.00 a couple has can legally avoid U.S. Federal Estate Tax, much larger estates face tax bills in the millions of dollars. The rate of tax can be 40%. That is 40% of principal; not just the income on it. And it is due 9 months from the date of death.
Families with large estates likely still have a big generational tax bill due (often in the tens of millions of dollars). That affects continuing growth of the dynasty. Where will they get that cash?
For example, many families own closely held businesses and real estate worth $100,000,000.00 or more. Tax on that might total $36,000,000.00. Of course, good planning might lessen that, but let's say that is the tax for purposes of discussion. That leaves the family $64,000,000.00 which is not bad. But where are they getting $36,000,000.00 in cash? Families will not want to sell or get mortgages on valuable, but illiquid, family businesses and long-term (perhaps generations old) real estate holdings to pay tax.
Life insurance is the classic answer to at least part of that problem. The death benefit provides cash to pay the tax. (Common planning uses Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts to keep the death benefit out of the gross estate. That same planning works here too.)
Even if life insurance is the answer, premiums tie up cash. Again, the cash needed for premiums may be important for existing investment strategies or business working capital.
My organization works with a gentleman who, for 20 years, has been doing nothing else but arranging transactions that solve this problem. The challenge he has mastered is putting together the team of credible and institutional players to make it happen. The plan works this way.
The insurance company (that has done this before) issues a policy contract providing the needed death benefit. An Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust drafted by the insured's lawyer owns the policy.
Premium overfunding helps assure the policy works. The schedule of payments assures treatment of the policy as Life Insurance under the Internal Revenue Code. A bank that also has done all this before lends that premium to the Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust. The insured does not need to sign or guarantee the loan.
Bank security for repayment is the policy itself and the cash surrender value build up. During certain years of the life of the loan some limited collateral is needed. That typically goes away as the cash surrender value catches up.
The total out-of-pocket is from interest on the loan and professional fees. Interest is flexible and after a few years capitalizes into the loan balance. This further cuts out out-of-pocket expenses.
Index Universal Life methods of producing interest grows the cash surrender value with no risk of market loss. Some of the interest grows based on performance of a stock market index. The S&P is usually among the choices for the Index.
The plan calls for a time when the loan can be paid back to the bank. Further growth of the net cash surrender value continues to support the necessary death benefit.
Arranging such a transaction is complex. So, an existing team of players is valuable to smooth out the process. Our colleague has that team. Plus, his own organization stays involved as the resulting arrangement is managed over the years.
Where it works, this is an excellent program. His minimum is a death benefit of at least $10,000,000.00. Interested parties or advisers receive a full illustration, sometimes 65 pages long. It includes a description of every working part, assumption, and the supporting data that justifies them. The parties and their advisers review and agree to the individually crafted transaction before there is ever any commitment.
All in all, this ability to finance premiums of life insurance contracts is not fancy. There is no unusual sophisticated tax structure (other than the common and widely used Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust). Some clients prefer to have this technique result in cash to fund income tax-free retirement benefits. The team can make that happen; of course, at the cost of the estate tax exclusion for the death benefits.
Like any other life insurance sale, an illustration can be presented with a date of birth and the total death benefit desired. An insurability exam will obviously be needed before a policy issues. Once the idea is considered attractive; fine tuning to meet individual needs and preferences can happen.
In other words, for those who qualify and suitable circumstances, there is a rather easy transaction to create cash to pay estate taxes so a dynasty can last beyond the current generation. There is no mystery or magic. The result is due to an existing, successful, team that has done it before and is in the business of doing it again.
If you want help and direction to complete your Retirement & Estate Planning, come to http://www.scottfbarnettconsulting.com for EVERYONE's RETIREMENT & ESTATE PLANNING ONLINE WORKSHOP. I guide, not just teach you, to finish the work you need to do. It is easier and when completed, you will have PEACE OF MIND knowing you, your family, and your kids are protected. I look forward to working with you.

How to Prosper During a Weak Economy

Expert Author Art Miller
Asset Protection Associates
"Change is the law of life." John F. Kennedy
"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change
their minds cannot change anything." George Bernard Shaw
I agree with both Kennedy and Shaw. Too often, we are advised to stay the course, hang on, don't make any changes and either the market will rebound or interest rates will increase. Unfortunately, most people have not recovered their losses from the stock market's high point in 2007. In 2008, when the economy faltered, investors lost an average of 38 percent of their invested money. If you were able to earn 9 percent annually on your remaining principal, it would take you approximately seven years to break even, and if you earned five percent annually, it would take more than 12 years to recover.
We as individuals and we as a country need to pursue a new path in order to prevent future losses. In light of the country's present national debt exceeding $14 trillion and hundreds of bank failures each year, one has to wonder whether or not there is any way to extricate ourselves from debt. If you are fortunate enough to be debt free and have saved money but are concerned about how to best see it grow, then you must consider a new line of thinking. Remember what Einstein said: "The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result."
Everyone has what I call a financial toolbox from which to choose the tool that will best serve their needs. There are two categories of tools: one type has the potential for large gains but carries the potential for large losses. The second category of financial tool provides safety of principal, you forego greater gains for preserving your principal and accept a reasonable rate of return.
In 1995, the insurance industry created a financial tool called an index annuity. It is designed to protect your principal, combat inflation, and provide a portion of market gains every year. During negative years in the economy, the index annuity holds onto everything it has accumulated, so you never lose ground. The primary advantage to this type of vehicle is that it is like a dependable car that will take you to your destination without breaking down. This means that you will arrive ahead of other vehicles that are built to take risks that cause your savings to diminish. Warren Buffet, has been quoted as stating that the first rule of investing is, "Don't lose money" and the second rule of investing is, "Don't forget rule number one."
Since 1970, there have been 14 negative years in the economy. Most economists agree that it will be several years before the economy improves. There is also widespread agreement that to help pay off our national debt, the government will raise taxes next year. That means we will have less money to save for retirement which is all the more reason to adopt a financial vehicle that allows your funds to grow tax deferred. A guaranteed principal annuity is such a vehicle. Funds deposited into a guaranteed principal annuity grow on a tax deferred basis until you are ready to use the funds. Withdrawing funds can be done in a manner that creates primarily tax-free income or tax- advantaged income.
Considering that the current economy is weak and that it will take years to recover, one must utilize an asset preservation tool that first and foremost protects savings that one has worked hard to accumulate.
Arthur Miller is the owner of Asset Protection Associates, a retirement planning and insurance firm. Asset Protection Associates is located in Highland Park, Illinois and may be reached by phone at: (847) 433-1220 or e-mail at: assetprotectionassociates@gmail.com. Visit the Asset Protection Associates website at: [http://www.assetprotectionassociates.org]
Arthur Miller is the owner of Asset Protection Associates, a retirement planning and insurance firm in Highland Park, Illinois. He specializes in retirement planning, insurance, company benefit plan analysis, transitional planning, estate planning, and family financial survivorship guidance. In addition to personal consultations, Mr. Miller conducts workshops on asset protection for corporations, organizations, and individual groups throughout the year. Mr. Miller is a member of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors, the Financial Planning Association, and a licensed insurance sales producer. Asset Protection Associates is located in Highland Park, Illinois and serves clients in Chicago's North Shore and the Greater Chicago area. Asset Protection Associates may be reached by phone at: (847) 433-1220 or e-mail at:assetprotectionassociates@gmail.com. Visit the Asset Protection Associates website at: [http://www.assetprotectionassociates.org]

A Brief Introduction to Captive Insurance

Expert Author L Lance Wallach
Over the past 20 years, many small businesses have begun to insure their own risks through a product called "Captive Insurance." Small captives (also known as single-parent captives) are insurance companies established by the owners of closely held businesses looking to insure risks that are either too costly or too difficult to insure through the traditional insurance marketplace. Brad Barros, an expert in the field of captive insurance, explains how "all captives are treated as corporations and must be managed in a method consistent with rules established with both the IRS and the appropriate insurance regulator."
According to Barros, often single parent captives are owned by a trust, partnership or other structure established by the premium payer or his family. When properly designed and administered, a business can make tax-deductible premium payments to their related-party insurance company. Depending on circumstances, underwriting profits, if any, can be paid out to the owners as dividends, and profits from liquidation of the company may be taxed at capital gains.
Premium payers and their captives may garner tax benefits only when the captive operates as a real insurance company. Alternatively, advisers and business owners who use captives as estate planning tools, asset protection vehicles, tax deferral or other benefits not related to the true business purpose of an insurance company may face grave regulatory and tax consequences.
Many captive insurance companies are often formed by US businesses in jurisdictions outside of the United States. The reason for this is that foreign jurisdictions offer lower costs and greater flexibility than their US counterparts. As a rule, US businesses can use foreign-based insurance companies so long as the jurisdiction meets the insurance regulatory standards required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
There are several notable foreign jurisdictions whose insurance regulations are recognized as safe and effective. These include Bermuda and St. Lucia. Bermuda, while more expensive than other jurisdictions, is home to many of the largest insurance companies in the world. St. Lucia, a more reasonably priced location for smaller captives, is noteworthy for statutes that are both progressive and compliant. St. Lucia is also acclaimed for recently passing "Incorporated Cell" legislation, modeled after similar statutes in Washington, DC.
Common Captive Insurance Abuses; While captives remain highly beneficial to many businesses, some industry professionals have begun to improperly market and misuse these structures for purposes other than those intended by Congress. The abuses include the following:
1. Improper risk shifting and risk distribution, aka "Bogus Risk Pools"
2. High deductibles in captive-pooled arrangements; Re insuring captives through private placement variable life insurance schemes
3. Improper marketing
4. Inappropriate life insurance integration
Meeting the high standards imposed by the IRS and local insurance regulators can be a complex and expensive proposition and should only be done with the assistance of competent and experienced counsel. The ramifications of failing to be an insurance company can be devastating and may include the following penalties:
1. Loss of all deductions on premiums received by the insurance company
2. Loss of all deductions from the premium payer
3. Forced distribution or liquidation of all assets from the insurance company effectuating additional taxes for capital gains or dividends
4. Potential adverse tax treatment as a Controlled Foreign Corporation
5. Potential adverse tax treatment as a Personal Foreign Holding Company (PFHC)
6. Potential regulatory penalties imposed by the insuring jurisdiction
7. Potential penalties and interest imposed by the IRS.
All in all, the tax consequences may be greater than 100% of the premiums paid to the captive. In addition, attorneys, CPA's wealth advisors and their clients may be treated as tax shelter promoters by the IRS, causing fines as great as $100,000 or more per transaction.
Clearly, establishing a captive insurance company is not something that should be taken lightly. It is critical that businesses seeking to establish a captive work with competent attorneys and accountants who have the requisite knowledge and experience necessary to avoid the pitfalls associated with abusive or poorly designed insurance structures. A general rule of thumb is that a captive insurance product should have a legal opinion covering the essential elements of the program. It is well recognized that the opinion should be provided by an independent, regional or national law firm.
Risk Shifting and Risk Distribution Abuses; Two key elements of insurance are those of shifting risk from the insured party to others (risk shifting) and subsequently allocating risk amongst a large pool of insured's (risk distribution). After many years of litigation, in 2005 the IRS released a Revenue Ruling (2005-40) describing the essential elements required in order to meet risk shifting and distribution requirements.
For those who are self-insured, the use of the captive structure approved in Rev. Ruling 2005-40 has two advantages. First, the parent does not have to share risks with any other parties. In Ruling 2005-40, the IRS announced that the risks can be shared within the same economic family as long as the separate subsidiary companies ( a minimum of 7 are required) are formed for non-tax business reasons, and that the separateness of these subsidiaries also has a business reason. Furthermore, "risk distribution" is afforded so long as no insured subsidiary has provided more than 15% or less than 5% of the premiums held by the captive. Second, the special provisions of insurance law allowing captives to take a current deduction for an estimate of future losses, and in some circumstances shelter the income earned on the investment of the reserves, reduces the cash flow needed to fund future claims from about 25% to nearly 50%. In other words, a well-designed captive that meets the requirements of 2005-40 can bring about a cost savings of 25% or more.
While some businesses can meet the requirements of 2005-40 within their own pool of related entities, most privately held companies cannot. Therefore, it is common for captives to purchase "third party risk" from other insurance companies, often spending 4% to 8% per year on the amount of coverage necessary to meet the IRS requirements.
One of the essential elements of the purchased risk is that there is a reasonable likelihood of loss. Because of this exposure, some promoters have attempted to circumvent the intention of Revenue Ruling 2005-40 by directing their clients into "bogus risk pools." In this somewhat common scenario, an attorney or other promoter will have 10 or more of their clients' captives enter into a collective risk-sharing agreement. Included in the agreement is a written or unwritten agreement not to make claims on the pool. The clients like this arrangement because they get all of the tax benefits of owning a captive insurance company without the risk associated with insurance. Unfortunately for these businesses, the IRS views these types of arrangements as something other than insurance.
Risk sharing agreements such as these are considered without merit and should be avoided at all costs. They amount to nothing more than a glorified pretax savings account. If it can be shown that a risk pool is bogus, the protective tax status of the captive can be denied and the severe tax ramifications described above will be enforced.
It is well known that the IRS looks at arrangements between owners of captives with great suspicion. The gold standard in the industry is to purchase third party risk from an insurance company. Anything less opens the door to potentially catastrophic consequences.
Abusively High Deductibles; Some promoters sell captives, and then have their captives participate in a large risk pool with a high deductible. Most losses fall within the deductible and are paid by the captive, not the risk pool.
These promoters may advise their clients that since the deductible is so high, there is no real likelihood of third party claims. The problem with this type of arrangement is that the deductible is so high that the captive fails to meet the standards set forth by the IRS. The captive looks more like a sophisticated pre tax savings account: not an insurance company.
A separate concern is that the clients may be advised that they can deduct all their premiums paid into the risk pool. In the case where the risk pool has few or no claims (compared to the losses retained by the participating captives using a high deductible), the premiums allocated to the risk pool are simply too high. If claims don't occur, then premiums should be reduced. In this scenario, if challenged, the IRS will disallow the deduction made by the captive for unnecessary premiums ceded to the risk pool. The IRS may also treat the captive as something other than an insurance company because it did not meet the standards set forth in 2005-40 and previous related rulings.
Private Placement Variable Life Reinsurance Schemes; Over the years promoters have attempted to create captive solutions designed to provide abusive tax free benefits or "exit strategies" from captives. One of the more popular schemes is where a business establishes or works with a captive insurance company, and then remits to a Reinsurance Company that portion of the premium commensurate with the portion of the risk re-insured.
Typically, the Reinsurance Company is wholly-owned by a foreign life insurance company. The legal owner of the reinsurance cell is a foreign property and casualty insurance company that is not subject to U.S. income taxation. Practically, ownership of the Reinsurance Company can be traced to the cash value of a life insurance policy a foreign life insurance company issued to the principal owner of the Business, or a related party, and which insures the principle owner or a related party.
1. The IRS may apply the sham-transaction doctrine.
2. The IRS may challenge the use of a reinsurance agreement as an improper attempt to divert income from a taxable entity to a tax-exempt entity and will reallocate income.
3. The life insurance policy issued to the Company may not qualify as life insurance for U.S. Federal income tax purposes because it violates the investor control restrictions.
Investor Control; The IRS has reiterated in its published revenue rulings, its private letter rulings, and its other administrative pronouncements, that the owner of a life insurance policy will be considered the income tax owner of the assets legally owned by the life insurance policy if the policy owner possesses "incidents of ownership" in those assets. Generally, in order for the life insurance company to be considered the owner of the assets in a separate account, control over individual investment decisions must not be in the hands of the policy owner.
The IRS prohibits the policy owner, or a party related to the policy holder, from having any right, either directly or indirectly, to require the insurance company, or the separate account, to acquire any particular asset with the funds in the separate account. In effect, the policy owner cannot tell the life insurance company what particular assets to invest in. And, the IRS has announced that there cannot be any prearranged plan or oral understanding as to what specific assets can be invested in by the separate account (commonly referred to as "indirect investor control"). And, in a continuing series of private letter rulings, the IRS consistently applies a look-through approach with respect to investments made by separate accounts of life insurance policies to find indirect investor control. Recently, the IRS issued published guidelines on when the investor control restriction is violated. This guidance discusses reasonable and unreasonable levels of policy owner participation, thereby establishing safe harbors and impermissible levels of investor control.
The ultimate factual determination is straight-forward. Any court will ask whether there was an understanding, be it orally communicated or tacitly understood, that the separate account of the life insurance policy will invest its funds in a reinsurance company that issued reinsurance for a property and casualty policy that insured the risks of a business where the life insurance policy owner and the person insured under the life insurance policy are related to or are the same person as the owner of the business deducting the payment of the property and casualty insurance premiums?
If this can be answered in the affirmative, then the IRS should be able to successfully convince the Tax Court that the investor control restriction is violated. It then follows that the income earned by the life insurance policy is taxable to the life insurance policy owner as it is earned.
The investor control restriction is violated in the structure described above as these schemes generally provide that the Reinsurance Company will be owned by the segregated account of a life insurance policy insuring the life of the owner of the Business of a person related to the owner of the Business. If one draws a circle, all of the monies paid as premiums by the Business cannot become available for unrelated, third-parties. Therefore, any court looking at this structure could easily conclude that each step in the structure was prearranged, and that the investor control restriction is violated.
Suffice it to say that the IRS announced in Notice 2002-70, 2002-2 C.B. 765, that it would apply both the sham transaction doctrine and §§ 482 or 845 to reallocate income from a non-taxable entity to a taxable entity to situations involving property and casualty reinsurance arrangements similar to the described reinsurance structure.
Even if the property and casualty premiums are reasonable and satisfy the risk sharing and risk distribution requirements so that the payment of these premiums is deductible in full for U.S. income tax purposes, the ability of the Business to currently deduct its premium payments on its U.S. income tax returns is entirely separate from the question of whether the life insurance policy qualifies as life insurance for U.S. income tax purposes.
Inappropriate Marketing; One of the ways in which captives are sold is through aggressive marketing designed to highlight benefits other than real business purpose. Captives are corporations. As such, they can offer valuable planning opportunities to shareholders. However, any potential benefits, including asset protection, estate planning, tax advantaged investing, etc., must be secondary to the real business purpose of the insurance company.
Recently, a large regional bank began offering "business and estate planning captives" to customers of their trust department. Again, a rule of thumb with captives is that they must operate as real insurance companies. Real insurance companies sell insurance, not "estate planning" benefits. The IRS may use abusive sales promotion materials from a promoter to deny the compliance and subsequent deductions related to a captive. Given the substantial risks associated with improper promotion, a safe bet is to only work with captive promoters whose sales materials focus on captive insurance company ownership; not estate, asset protection and investment planning benefits. Better still would be for a promoter to have a large and independent regional or national law firm review their materials for compliance and confirm in writing that the materials meet the standards set forth by the IRS.
The IRS can look back several years to abusive materials, and then suspecting that a promoter is marketing an abusive tax shelter, begin a costly and potentially devastating examination of the insured's and marketers.
Abusive Life Insurance Arrangements; A recent concern is the integration of small captives with life insurance policies. Small captives treated under section 831(b) have no statutory authority to deduct life premiums. Also, if a small captive uses life insurance as an investment, the cash value of the life policy can be taxable to the captive, and then be taxable again when distributed to the ultimate beneficial owner. The consequence of this double taxation is to devastate the efficacy of the life insurance and, it extends serious levels of liability to any accountant recommends the plan or even signs the tax return of the business that pays premiums to the captive.
The IRS is aware that several large insurance companies are promoting their life insurance policies as investments with small captives. The outcome looks eerily like that of the thousands of 419 and 412(I) plans that are currently under audit.
All in all Captive insurance arrangements can be tremendously beneficial. Unlike in the past, there are now clear rules and case histories defining what constitutes a properly designed, marketed and managed insurance company. Unfortunately, some promoters abuse, bend and twist the rules in order to sell more captives. Often, the business owner who is purchasing a captive is unaware of the enormous risk he or she faces because the promoter acted improperly. Sadly, it is the insured and the beneficial owner of the captive who face painful consequences when their insurance company is deemed to be abusive or non-compliant. The captive industry has skilled professionals providing compliant services. Better to use an expert supported by a major law firm than a slick promoter who sells something that sounds too good to be true.

Filing Life Insurance Claims

If you are the listed beneficiary on a life insurance policy, it is your responsibility to file a claim on the proceeds of the policy. In order to do this, you'll have to furnish proof that the insured is dead. This may seem trite at first, but life insurance companies are wise to protect themselves from fraud.
Obtain as many copies of the death certificate as you can. If there is a funeral or cremation ceremony the director can help you get hold of these. In the rare case where there aren't any parting rites, contact the hospital or facility wherein or nearest to where the insured died.
Next, contact the insurance company that underwrote the policy. Preferably contact the field agent who wrote the insurance if he is still with the company. You will need to take the insurance policy with you to the meeting and "surrender" it in exchange for the money due you, and of course you'll need ID to prove you are the person listed as beneficiary.
It can take a quality life insurance company up to two weeks to pay you the money as the claim must undergo investigation, although it's possible for you to have your money within a couple days. Virtually every time an agent of the company will deliver your check or come do your payout paperwork with you in person.
Most commonly, beneficiaries take a lump sum payment. This is simply asking the life insurance company to cut them a check for the grand total amount of money the deceased was insured for, known as the death benefit. But this is not the only payout option available, and the agent will want to know what option you're choosing.
Another option that's not uncommon is that of Specific Income. With this you'll receive an equal amount of the total death benefit every year for a stated period of years until it's all paid out. You can choose a second beneficiary to receive the remainder of payments should you die before receiving all the money.
Probably the most popular option after Lump Sum is Interest Income. With this option the insurance company invests the death benefit for you and you are paid the interest that the invested money earns but you aren't paid any of the principal. You can name a beneficiary to receive a lump sum payout of that principal when you die.
With the Life Income option, you can choose to receive an annual payment for the rest of your life. The annual amount will be calculated based on the total death benefit and the amount of years you are expected to still live--this is known as "annuitizing" your payment. If you die before the total death benefit is paid out the insurance company keeps what was left over. You can also choose a variation on this, the Life Income with Period Certain. With this option you are guaranteed an income for the period you choose (usually a multiple of five years). The longer the period the smaller the monthly or annual payments. If you die before the period is up, another beneficiary of your choice receives the remainder of the money. If you survive the payout period, payments stop and you'll need to rely upon another income source.
A Joint And Survivor Life Income annuitization option lets you vary this yet more, and annuitize the payout based on two or more beneficiaries, with the payments based on the death benefit plus the life expectancy of the beneficiary who is expected live the LONGEST. The payout continues to pass from beneficiary to beneficiary as one of them dies until the final one has died.
The very first thing the majority of people do with their death benefit proceeds--which are tax-free, by the way (if taken in a lump sum)--is go on a vacation. But this is likely not the wisest of actions.
First, you should make sure all of the deceased's debts are paid off, especially if it was your spouse. Also be sure any funeral expenses are paid off.
Next, use the money to pay off any debts of your own. If there isn't enough left to pay them all off, pay off or pay down as much of them as you can.
If you still have money left over, consult with a financial advisor about how to best invest it. But above all things, do not just go blowing the money on things like vacations.
Taking the lump sum payout is the best option for at least 80% of all beneficiaries. Using death benefit money for some kind of income should never be considered without first talking to a financial advisor and your accountant.
The author lives with her husband in Maryland, with their two dogs and cat. She put together the website [http://www.affordable-life-insurance-guru.com] in order to help the everyday person navigate the often confusing world of life insurance

5 Reasons to Purchase an Indexed Universal Life Insurance Policy

Expert Author Ed F Kinsey
As a financial planner, I feel like Indexed Universal Life insurance is one of the most misunderstood and underutilized tools and asset classes in the market today. I believe that this is because of the newness of the product itself. Indexed Universal Life(IUL from here on out) has only been around for a little over 15 years. Because of this, most financial advisors don't fully understand it. IUL's came around after they received their education and set their practices. Thus, individuals aren't learning from experts, but rather, they rely on media pundits for any information on these programs. In an effort to further educate you, and promote a wonderful product, I give 5 reasons to buy an IUL.
The first great reason to have an IUL in your retirement portfolio is the fact that these products provide minimum guarantees. Unlike placing your funds directly into the market, these funds are protected from the market. They earn interest in a unique way. Interest is credited based on the performance of a chosen index. Rather than being invested in the actual market, you merely receive a portion of the index return. Again, the worst-case scenario is that you earn 0% in a given year. You can never lose money due to market fluctuations. Each year that you do earn interest, that interest is locked in and becomes part of the principal amount guaranteed to not be at risk to the market. What a great way to plan for retirement. This system of guarantees also removes the risk of retiring at the wrong time, when your account value is low due to market losses. It also prevents catastrophic damage to your retirement due to losses in the early years of your retirement.
In addition to the downside protection, these products can perform very well; often times outperforming the market returns seen in a typical investment portfolio. So you don't have to give up a good return to find a safe haven for your retirement nest egg.
The second great reason for purchasing an IUL is the tax-free death benefit.
Life insurance is often used as a tool in estate planning. It is treated favorably by the IRS tax codes. Often, the funds coming from a death benefit from a life insurance policy are passed on to beneficiaries income tax free. Indexed Universal Life is no different. It becomes a wonderful tool to pass on assets tax free. Unlike other retirement options, such as a 401k, the assets held in an IUL pass on without taxes and give you immediate access to the funds, unlike assets held in real estate. It is also very typical, due to the death benefit common in all life insurance policies, that the death benefit will exceed the accumulation value of the account, meaning you not only leave more to your beneficiaries by paying less in taxes, but also because of the higher death benefit.
The third great reason for looking at an IUL is for the incredible supplemental retirement income that can be generated from it. What if you could put an unlimited amount of money into a Roth IRA, pay taxes on the principal now and have an income generated, tax free, for your retirement, and you could even access it early if you wanted? That would be an incredible deal, right? Well, it exists. It's called an IUL. You can create a tax-free income through these IUL's without having to worry about the timing of the market. Rather than rolling the dice of where the tax brackets fall out over your lifetime, why not draw at least part of your income through a program that allows you to fund it limitlessly, and not have to worry about paying taxes on the gains?
This is achieved through policy loans. It's a new concept, but hear me out. Through a policy loan, you are able to draw out an income from your IUL tax free. Everyone always asks me "what if tax laws change?" Valid question. In theory, it is possible that the laws change and these funds do become taxable, but that would be odd. The government doesn't tax our loans, only the asset by which the loan is guaranteed. Think for example of your car loan... you pay a property tax on that auto, but you don't have to treat the loan from the bank that you used as income because it wasn't income, you have to pay it back. These policy loans function the same way.
Diversification is the fourth reason to purchase an IUL. Since the bulk of your retirement funds are probably in taxed deferred savings accounts, like traditional IRA's and 401k's, IUL's can provide a diversification, not only in asset class, but also in the tax treatment of the account. We typically believe in diversification and have been taught that since our high school years, yet we all have our retirement in the same types of vehicles. All are tax-deferred time bombs with minimum distribution ages and minimum distribution requirements or maximum contribution amounts controlled by the government and current economics in the USA. We are all typically in a blend of stocks and bonds, crossing our fingers that when that day comes to retire, we are up, not down. Hopefully we've picked well, though we be uneducated as can be, and yet we bank on this as our retirement program and a whole industry has built itself around it. Amazing that we've heard this same concept preached for over 2 decades and we're still drinking the kool-aide. I'm not going to tell you to not drink, just try a different flavor for a minute. It should be noted that when taxes go up, and they inevitably will, you will pay taxes on those funds that are in taxed deferred accounts. This can hurt the value of the dollars you have saved in those accounts. There is also a little thing called an RMD. Required Minimum Distributions are what the federal government requires us to withdraw from our retirement accounts, based on our age, as a percentage of our account balance. There is always the possibility of these percentages increasing so the taxes can be collected on these funds. This could also cause you to withdraw funds you don't need. An IUL gives you a great hedge against these potential tax issues.
Finally, the fifth reason to purchase an IUL is because they allow you to work towards becoming your own banker. Have you ever found it odd that you borrow money from a bank even though you have money in the bank? I have. Most IUL's have loan provisions allowing you to borrow from and pay back your life insurance. The nice thing is, by doing this, you pay yourself the interest rather than the bank. You continue to have a retirement fund that is growing and you aren't losing years' worth of interest to the bank. Think of all the interest you have paid for credit cards, auto loans, your mortgage, etc. You can borrow yourself the money instead and you don't have to worry about the approval process at the bank. Many business owners feel that term insurance is the only type of life insurance for them because they don't want to tie up their money. This is a false assumption. The funds "tied up" in life insurance are not locked up, but rather, provide more access to funds than most investment opportunities. The funds can be borrowed and replaced with relative ease, making it a wonderful program for creating your own personal banking system.
One final little bonus is that your IUL is permanent insurance, as long as it is built correctly and you fund it properly. You'll likely have lifetime coverage, even after stopping your premium payments and taking withdrawals. Long after your term insurance is gone, you'll still have a death benefit to leave those you love.
For these reasons, along with many others, indexed universal life insurance is a great way to help fund your retirement. It is not perfect for all situations, and it is always wise to consult your advisor before purchasing any retirement funding program. That being said, there are five reasons you should give your advisor a call and find out if an IUL is right for you.

Whole Life Insurance or 529 Plans - The Choice for Funding a College Education

Expert Author Will Barnes
Whole life insurance is the workhorse of the insurance industry. It is designed to be in force throughout the life of the policyholder with the premium never changing. It has often been compared to buying a home with a 30 year fixed rate mortgage where your monthly note containing your principal and interest never change throughout the life of the mortgage all the while your home equity is building up. Similarly, all the while your whole life policy is in force, your cash value is building up tax-free.
529 plans are best described as a way for parents to save money for tuition in a tax-deferred account. The state income tax break together with not having to pay federal income tax on your earnings have made these financial instruments attractive to some parents and grandparents. However, given this current economic climate, some states may begin to restrict qualifications for the tax breaks by limiting the amount that you can claim as a tax deduction. You need to closely monitor the tax laws relative to this issue in your state. In addition, with returns on managed funds and FDIC insured plans being historically low, you simply may not get the value that you were promised.
Now contrast a whole life insurance plan with a 529 plan. As earlier mentioned, the growth in the cash value feature of the whole life insurance plan is guaranteed and builds up tax-free. And, because it is in the private sector, it is not subject to the whims of the politicians who not only decide who manages your funds but also how much you can declare as a tax deduction.
But, even more importantly, it must be emphasized that permanent whole life insurance is an asset that is guaranteed to grow each year as long as you continue to pay your premiums. It is not a commodity purchase with fluctuating returns.
While many assets lost as much as 50% during this recessionary period, permanent whole life insurance has continued to grow. Therefore in choosing a whole life plan choose the largest face amount that you can afford. For unlike a 529 plan, a whole life insurance plan is self completing if you should die before your children are old enough to begin college. And, if you become seriously ill or disabled, with waiver of premium as a part of your policy, your premium is paid for you.
So in choosing a permanent whole life insurance plan, you have a guaranteed, tax-free cash buildup, a face amount that would be paid to your beneficiaries if you should experience a premature death, and, if you become seriously ill or disabled the company would pay your premiums for you.
Which choice gives you the greatest piece of mind?
Will Barnes, Business-Financial Consultant, for over thirty-eight years has helped individuals and families make sound decisions in the areas of home buying, planning for the children's education, protecting one's family and business, and planning for a secure retirement. Visit Educational Planning for more articles and to subscribe to the newsletter to get up to date information.